Dec 22, 2009
MAT251- i got an A for it. is already in my expectation. this is the most easiest and my favourite subject among all the maths paper. if i din get an A for this subject, i really will go langgar dinding ah.
MSG285- Got an A- for it. i just expect this subject i can only score an A or A-. i oso very happy i got an A- cos the coursework are all copy from frenz and some i did it myself.
SEW211- nothing much to say about it since this subject was very easy for me. score an A for it.
SEW213- very very disappointed with this subject.very hard to expect that i cant get an A for it! i knew where is my mistake. is the second test that i did it so badly and horrible! really no eyes see ah! Just manage to get an A- only. haiz.
SHE101- again extremely disappointed with it!!! i still remember that the coursework i did it all by myself!!! and now i could'nt get an A le!! i tot i can get A but in the end i got an A-!!! shit la..
so my GPA is just 3.80 only.may be others will think is high enough but for me, is just too low. i'm expected 3.90 and above. now i got nothing much to say about it.:(
next sem study harder lo..
Dec 20, 2009
so till today, i'm officially BROKE jor! no money liao la!! have to wait for the ptptn come liao. sad ah.
hope i can control myself la..i wish...
Dec 2, 2009
Sep 28, 2009
My 21st Birthday^^
Sep 4, 2009
review on my test& story time
My SHE assignment, kinda settle it d. Thank god. Now jus wait n see wat the lecturer say next week and hopefully no presentation la. I wish.
Last 2 weeks, had all my test. Last wed i had MAT263 test, which is probability theory test. Prob was my weaken subject n i kinda hate it eps with this 'beautiful lecturer' lo. Attend her cls like learn ntg. Some more say i skip her cls! (which is true oso la). If she is a good lecturer, surely i wont skip her cls wat. So shit 1 la she. Donno how am i gonna score in this subject liao.
Then on sat had my micro test. The subjective part is ok 4 me jus the MCQ a bit hard. So i think gt a few wrong in my MCQ.
On this wed pula had my macro test. At 1st tot is subjective Q then manatau is essay Q! So shit la. Donno wat shd i write n jus tembak n sendiri write my own point of view. 70marks on it. Hope can get half of it la.
Yest had my MAT251, whick is Operation Research test. 1st Q donno hw 2 do. So tembak again. Q2 i calculate wrongly. Q3 donno gt calculate wrong anot tim lo. Q4 tembak again though i noe the answer is either 0 or infinity. This is my second favourite subject after micro. Haiz.. Next time do beta a bit lo.
Overall, all my test is like half death d. Study=no study like tat. Haiz. Next time gonna try harder.
Finish with the test thing, wanna write some story here.
I jus found out tat more n more ppl tak boleh tahan with my 'best fren' le. Ppl who work with her in group work all oso complaining about her le. Since 2nd sem, I found out that she keep pushing her group member for the assignment. Then now SHE assignment, again keep on pushing mr.W( who is a SHE leader 4 her group). She acted like she is a leader 4 her group. Pls la. mr.W is a leader so he surely noe wat 2 do 1 la. Keep pushing him 4 wat le. Noe he extremely busy but I think he will do best of his ability 1 ma. Then yest mr.W's laptop kena virus n he not dare 2 tell her. He jus scare tat she will kill him alive. Haha. Pity him lo cos have to do it all over again. I oso kinda told him my grandma story about my 'best fren'. Haha.
I have been thinking. Izzit my fault makes her act like this way cos in 1st sem i keep asking(but not pushing) her about the assignment. Or izzit she taking my advice which i told her in 1st sem?(somebody need other ppl pushing then only will do their part) I jus donno. But if it is my fault, all i can say is sorry for all of u but i really donno she will push ppl til 极点. I'm so sorry.
Jul 30, 2009
busy week
Too busy till I have no time to update my blog.
Last 2 weeks was too busy. Last Tuesday had a dinner with my junior. Actually is more like second year senior gathering lo. Didn’t talk with my junior also. Think next time should talk with them if have chance la. Just knew that one of my junior (a guy) is from Taiping. Quite fun also having the gathering cos last time cant go due to the quiz.
Then went to UPSI for the math competition on saturday. For me, the questions were too easy. But I forget how to do( cos before that night, I just study 4 pages of LSK notes). So in the end, cincai do it. Never do a test so relax before. Haha. I just went there to have a look at UPSI nia.
Then Monday night had math interaction night. Never tot that I already in second year. Last year interaction night still fresh in my mind. Just went there and chat with my frenz. I didn’t had my direct junior le. Kinda sad also cos ‘没有下一代’ le. ( actually I also donwan direct junior. Haha ) my super super senior all also very keng one. All also got 3.7 above. Now just left me as ‘最后一代’ lo. Kinda stress also.
The last part of the interaction night was too funny. The KC’s pole dancing (kononnya). He made a mistake on the Sudoku game and didn’t even say sorry to us! ( cos he incharge of the game part) As a punishment, the committee asked him to dance. But his ‘pole dancing’ 够力的恶心. Really wanna vomit when he gave the ‘fly kiss’. Really will had a nightmare when think of him.
Here goes the sad thing. Wednesday, an unhappy day for me. PS, she joined the UTAR math competition. Actually start from the moment she asked cy about this competition, I already think that ‘没了, she wan join’. Which actually comes to true. She really FLY go to the lab to register. Very hate la. Made me no mood at all during the class. Then at night, when me, cy and cf took photo infront of the USM logo (sg2 there), she purposely donwan my face inside the pic wo! She just took the 2 of them nia! WALAO EE! When cy told me that there is no me inside the pic, I tot she was just kidding. Manatau is truth wo… PS didn’t mentioned anything after she took the pic and she just returned back cy’s handphone nia. So STUPID! OK FINE! Just like wat cf say, me and PS 火药味很重. Don care le. Donwan asked her why my face not inside the pic le. I had no energy to ask her. Just waste my tongue only. She is just NOTHING to me.
Jul 18, 2009
Recently there were so many people that I hate so much. Firstly all my math n econ lecturer(exp Mr Andrew) were so suck. All oso donno hw 2 teach 1. So mostly go cls juz crap with cf nia. The 285 lagi suck. He talked so soft and when asking him question, he oso donwan 2 answered us. Hate la.
That day I went 2 cy’s room juz 2 settle our problem. Is about final year project partner. Last sem I had asked her 2 became my partner. Then something happened. Is was during the sem break holidays cy suddenly sms me n told me 2 reconsidered my decision 2 choose cf as my partner. I felt so weird. Y cy suddenly asked me like that. Is not I donwan 2 be partner with cf but juz last time I quite close wit cy ma. Hope cf wil und la. I oso planning 2 tell cy that v can split if v wan juz tak sangka she told me during the holidays. Then v discussed about it n decided 2 split. Here is the conversation.
Ml: if we really wanna split, who do u wan to be partner with?
Cy: may be is lr. Bcos ps so close with ey.
Ml: ps will certainly come ask u to be partner with her.
I was so curious y cy send me tat sms during holidays. So I decided 2 asked her. I guess it right! It really was ps who asked cy to partner with her during the holidays. I jus know her so well.
Then on the other day, I was on9 halfway in cy’s room, ps came n asked me about the partner thing. She asked me who do I wan to partner with and I said at 1st is cy n nw may be is cf. Then I purposely asked her back. She answered me may be is cy and told me 2 settled our problem 1st. then I asked her y not partner with lr since they so close n were roommate. Again she answered me not same course. I alr knew she wan partner wit cy long time ago jus I wanted 2 test her. Hmmp, I have been thinking wat is it feel like if ps n cf are partner or me n ps are partner. A ‘very good’ combination lol. Surely wil 火星撞地球. Hope me n cf wont like this la.
Tat wed night, I told cf about wat happened with me during the 1st sem. Alr 1 whole year d n she still wanna hear the grandmom story wo. Ok lo. Then use the whole period 2 talked about it n she was kinda shocked. N forget to add on 1 thing. PS really like 2 pasang telinga 1 lo. Tat’s why I din tell her much about any1 o anything that happened around. So just becareful la ha.
PS complained 2 me about her SHE and said that her group member were not cooperate and Mr W as her group leader asked her 2 do all the things. After hearing she said that, I was act berpihak with Mr W lo(though Mr W got wrong oso la). Act Mr W is a responsible person la jus he’s too busy with his stuff nia. Nw only she know that doing all the things by herself is a very difficult thing. I will never forgive her what she did in last year. All the econ, science politics, and bm project made me hate her so much! I will never forget what we told each other. I knew I was bad to say that “if can, I donwan to be same group with you anymore when doing the project”. But sadly I jus broke my promise. Is econ again same group with her! I think we will quarrel again and again. N wat she said 2 me was indeep hurt me so bad.
“ if I have any information I also don’t want to share with you or tell you.”
“ I just wanna let you to suffer and do it all by yourself.”
I will never ever forget what she said to me, esp these 2 sentences!
Jul 9, 2009
A KekSim Week
Today woke up in the early morning to pack my things again for the last minutes. Just left a little bit more things only. Pack for almost 1 hour and then we went to Penang. Reached USM and took my room key. When we wanted to go to my new room, a guard said that my dad can’t go in cos this is a girl hostel. I was like WTH! I had so many things le. So, my mum, my sis and I had to carry all my things. It was so heavy man! My new room is far from the lift and it was SUCKKKK! Firstly, the floor was very rough. Then the door was stuck half way. And it was full of dust!! MY GOD!!!! Then the 3 of us cleaned it but the floor still can’t clean well. Stupid floor.. Made me sweat and tired. After that, we wait for my 2nd sis came and we went to kimgary to had our lunch. Then my roommate sms me and asked me to help her take her key. So we headed back to USM. There were so many people and my sis keep 吹 me. Haiz. Being scold by her liao. Then we went to her new rent hse which was located in Jelutong.
Woke up in the morning for these 2days and it was SUCK!!! The class were cancel without told by anyone. Wasting my time woke up in the morning! The lecturer din came oso din inform us. So suck.. APEX uni la! Mensiahshuaikan only! Becos of all these stupid timetable and lecturer, always made me not enuf sleep. Everyday oso go 游花园and then came back to hostel! Say about my room oso very keksim ah. My room TOTALLY CANT ON9!! But chai yun and pei sang’s room(which were just opposite my room) can on9 wo. So stupid! So I terpaksa went to their room to on9. Sometimes already ‘fat mo’ in my room cos really damn sien la.
Today had my SHE meeting with my supervisor. She was a vice dean. B4 this, I already inform the other group members that we met at math sch pondok at 4.30pm cos our meeting is 4.45pm. 4.30pm I already reached there and din saw anyone oso. Ok lo. So I wait til 4.40pm. Still nobody. I sms 1 of my group member and he said he’s on the way. He 4.55pm only appear. I just scared that our supervisor will scold us cos donno she strict anot ma. Luckily she really nice lo. So just the 2 of us go in find her nia. Then a few minutes later, the other 2 member showed up. Now just left another 1 member only. And sincerely, I already expect that he wont show up cos I already knew that he was irresponsible ppl. The lecturer kept asking where was he and we just said that we already inform him. Very keksim had this kind of group member. I wanna find him out and scold him but he always ponteng class. So I didn’t even can meet him. Now being a group leader I had so many things to fan liao esp him! If next meeting he din come again, I really donno how 2 explain to my lecturer.
Starting from the day that I come, my neighbor always 吵醒me and my roommate. She every morning cough in the toilet and her cough was very geli 1! Really beh tahan with her ah! Just pity my roommate nia cos she cant sleep liao after hearing her cough. I think she gonna cough for the whole sem. HELP!!!!
Jun 30, 2009
Goodbye And Hello
Time passed really fast. A few days later I’ll be back to USM. Just can’t believe that my 2 months holiday has come to an end. And then I have to focus on my study. I can imagine how busy that I am. Assignments, quizzes, and tests are waiting for me. Really hate this kind of uni life. Hope this sem I won’t be so kek sim la. I wish…
This few days I have been busying packing all my stuff. Shop and pack then shop again and pack.. Haha.. Just pack nonstop. Too many things have to pack, esp the notes. So headache when thinking of this. Wanna crazy d tim. All my 1st sem notes have been mix up. My sis notes, my senior notes and my own notes all mix up and some of the notes donno fly go where d. I have to separate all the notes nicely so that can give it to my future direct junior. See la direct junior really very mafan 1. Tat’s why I have been thinking to tell tian siang not to give me a direct junior. I’m so bad.. Haha.. And then I realize that my sis’s macro n micro notes all donno fly where liao. Hmmp.. It must be chee yuen didn’t return it back to my sis. Wanna scold him liao. By the way, hope he can success in his undertakings and really wanna thank him for everything that he helped me during last year.
And then these 2 days heard some news. Is about math sch students. These 2 news really shocked me lo. 1 is good news and the other 1 is bad news. The first one I korek the news korek till I 口干ah. Anyway I really wish he can succeed la though I know is really hard lo. Hope he won’t give up la. But he so keng 1, so no need worry for him la. Haha. Wish to hear a good news from him soon la. The latter 1 really shocked me a lot. I just can’t believe that she made this decision. Although I’m not really close with her, I really hope that she can rethink again her decision. Don’t make a wrong decision just becos of someone or something. Without her, math sch really lost some fun and I think I’ll miss her also if she really gone. Forgive me I can’t tell the whole story here cos if I tell, someone is gonna glue my mouth. Haha.
P/S: I miss my 2 months holiday le and yet I also miss all my USM frenz. See ya next week. Gonna enjoy these few days and watch finish all my HK drama b4 go back. Hehe.
Jun 19, 2009
Small Accident
Today went to fetch sulin just to meet MR Looi Xin Hao , his fren, MR Ah Tong( forget his name liao) and MR Ang Teik Yang at Taiping Central cos yesterday MR Looi just came to Taiping and tmr will go to UPM. So 12smtg I get ready and went to aulong to fetch sulin. Not far away from my hse, my dad already saw 2 policemen and asks me to drive carefully. I just say “okok” to him. Is was so jam man! I was totally jam from my hse to the aulong bridge! I now only realize that Malaysian really famous of road bully. I was on the correct lane and all the aunties and uncles don’t even let me go. Damn it! All the cars are so close and I was so frighten off! ( coz this was my 1st time experience ma) So I just wait the chance for me to drive through. And finally I 硬硬来 and thank god I made it!
Becoz of our laziness to walk so far, we decided to park the nearest 1. And eventually we saw 1 parking lot. But due to my driving skill, I cant park my car in. So I had to find another parking lot. Then we found 1 and I success to park the car. But it was too near with the beside car. So I wanted to reverse and repark it. But it was too steep and cant control it and then the next moment it crashed to the wall! OMG!!!!! MY CAR!!!!! I cant believe it! It was my 1st car crash! The second moment I immediately called xin hao to save me. Then I asked teik yang to helped me parked the car and luckily it was nothing big deal with my car. A bit relieve and thank god!
After that we went to Kenny Roger Roaster to had our lunch. But I was like 三魂不见七魄. I was stil thinking of that incident. So I din talk much and it was just sulin and teik yang talking nia. The others just listen. Felt sorry for them cos I should pretend nothing 1 and try to talk with them coz the two of them are guess ma. Btw, they keep telling not to tell the truth to my parents and just buat tak tau wo. But I’m a good girl ma. So I will tell them the truth lo.
When my parents are back, I told them about the accident. Well is begin like this. “ hey, dad and mum. Why don’t u 2 just take a look at the car. Is there any different?” And my mum, she was so clever and she saw the car and knew it. My dad still donno wo.. Then I told them the grandma story lo. Got a little scold from my mum and my dad keep telling me “next time drive carefully. Don’t careless.”
I will keep this incident deep inside my head and will improve my parking skill. Although my dad din say, I know I cant drive car for a couple of weeks. So sad. Wat to do. I have to keep my record clean again. Haiz.. Father's Day I give so BIG present to my dad...
P/S: sulin, don’t feel guilty anymore. Is not ur fault also. Is my fault coz I’m the 1 who force u ma.
Jun 17, 2009
Then today I wake up and feel that I'm not feeling well. And guess wat.. Is my turn 全身发热. Feel very paiseh lo coz want my mum taking care of me back. And even my sis also laugh at me lol( very jahat 1 lo she). I guess is my antibody too weak coz everytime other ppl sick surely will 传染给我 1 lo. haiz...
Hopefully my mum and i will recover by tmr...
Jun 10, 2009
Jun 2, 2009
Sadness + Disappointed!!!
Get an A- for TITAS and english. Nothing much to complain about it as I aim an A o A- for it..
MAT102 get A- oso. Feel very very disappointed with this score coz I tot that I can get an A for it. (eventhough I copy answer from my fren) This was the 1st paper and I still remember I study like hell to aim for an A!
MAT111 get a B. Did very badly on this subject though aim a B+ for it. Haiz juz forget about it la.
MSG162, the most hardest maths subject for me. Blame it on the stupid teacher coz she really donno how to teach us.. becoz of her my statistic never improve and 1 whole year donno wat she teach! And finally get a B+.
SEU226( labour economy). Economy is my favourite subject and I couldnt get an A!! Juz manage to get a B+. OMG!!! Very disappointed with it. Feel like wanna jump building!
Hello Melaka
Took 11.15am bus to Melaka with siew yin and reached there around 5.45pm. While waiting fang xin to fetch us, we walked around the Melaka Central. Quite many things sold over there and cheap also. We wait ah wait ah.. Finally 7smtg fang xin reached d.. N we were so hungry and she quickly bring us go to MMU Corner to have our dinner. On the way to MMU Corner, we had an accident! ‘BANG’!!! OMG!! Fang xin accidentally crashed on the malay car.. Luckily the malay car was nothing wrong juz fang xin’s car got a bit problem nia.. Felt so sorry to her.. After had our dinner, we went back to fang xin hostel. Suddenly the light was off!! We tot it was no electric le.. But luckily it juz ‘jump fuis’ only. Haiz.. 1st day came already so ‘hak cai’ liao..
Went to Jonker Street, one of the most favourite tourist place in Melaka. Ate the laksa and ais kacang which has been introduce by the ho chiak. N is really yummy.. Din try the chicken rice cos not really want to try it. Haha.. Then after eaten we walk along the Jonker Street.. Walau is so sunny n we forgot to bring the umbrella.. Nw I become darker and darker d!! Went to Dataran Pahlawan(DP) and Mahkota Parade(MP), the two favourite shopping complex in Melaka. As for me, I prefer DP more than MP cos DP has more shop than MP. And from DP, we can saw A Famosa. Is so near! At 1st wanna go ride the Taming Sari Tower. Manatau it rosak d! Ish.. Donno izzit becoz we too 'hak zai' anot le.. Haiz.. So continue our journey to A Famosa. Althought it was nothing but just a building, we stil very excited when we saw it.. Historic place ma. Haha. And suddenly refresh back all the history about Melaka.. Donno why le..
Around 5smtg wanna go back MMU manatau we lost again! Wat to say.. So 'hak zai' lol.. Then reached MMU around 7smtg. Rest 4 a while and continue our journey.. Mr.Zai Lao, fang xin's housemate, drove her car as though he was driving a sport car.. Walau ee. Super fast le.. Scare the 3 of us nia.. So we keep telling him to slow down..Swt lo. Planning to eat the kuih nyonya but cant find the shop. (hak lol) Then had our "5 star hotel" dinner.. Quite delicious oso le.. Again went to jonker to see the night market and wanna see the old man dancing with drunk 1 geh.. Manatau tak jadi pula. ( the old man din drunk so cant see they dance...hak lo). After that, we headed to Jetty Cafe to see the Strait of Melaka. Although it was night(around 9smtg o 10pm), the view was still very beautiful. Then 12 midnig we went to arena ( kononnya is ‘min ge chan ting’) and try one special drink..hehe. 3smtg am went to McD to had our breakfast.. I never had my breakfast so early before lol. ( nt really had it oso..haha) 4smtg only went back..Tired n sleepy lol..
The A Famosa:
The view from top:
Dataran Pahlawan:
After had our breakfast we went to Sepang Gold Coast. It was a beautiful beach and it will become a vacation for the tourist. They gonna built some hotel on the beach juz looks alike a coconut tree. (though i think is copy idea fr other country, bt still it is a very good place for vacation)
3smtg we headed back to Tpg. we lost again! Haiz.. it has proven that me and siew yin really 'hak cai'... Reached home around 7pm.. Whole body very tired... Bt really enjoy the journey to Melaka..
May 17, 2009
Saturday Nite...
Today early in the morning, I was woke up by my lovely dad. Since my holidays till now, I had never wake up so early le. My dad just wants to make sure that I drive slowly and carefully becoz I’m going to kamunting terminal bus station to fetch my sis. Let me count. This gonna to be my second times go to that bus station. Aiyo, actually my driving skill already improve a lot liao just my dad still worry about me.
So for safety, I asked my youngest sis to acc me to go. Well, I really think that my driving skill has improved since my youngest sis sit very calm and didn’t comment anything wo. Haha. After that drive straight away to Tpg Central and wait about 1hour++ over there just to buy the McD. I was so hungry and sleepy le..
Then 6smtg simply had my dinner and we headed to Tpg Central again to watched ‘ Angels and Demons’. At 1st, I didn’t aspect that this is a nice movie coz I donno the story line yet. And my frenz recommended it to me and say it is a great movie even my sis also say like that. Is a kind of rush becoz the movie will start at 7pm. But luckily we manage to get in 2 minutes earlier. Hmmp, my frenz really din lie me le and I was ‘Waw! Not bad ha!’. And the next movie that I’m waiting for is ‘Night At The Meseum2’. Hehe.
While the 3 of us are watching movie, we leave our parents ‘pak to’ at Tesco. Haha. How nice le. After finished watched, we went to Old Town Café to had our supper. I can see that my parents already ‘fa mei’ coz they sit there for nearly an hour liao. So sorry.. Then going back to home coz wanna watched ‘Beauty And The Geek’, one of my favourite reality show. Can’t miss it anyhow.
And that Friday I accidentally hurt my best fren. I’m so sorry for it. Hope she won’t mind it. I promise next time I will acc u go the place that u wanted to go la. Don angry la. I know u want to go Ipoh so much. One day I’ll surely acc u go there. And about the thing that made u headache, I really really SORRY about it. U know that I really donwan to do that. Not I donwan to help u. Hope u will understand me…
May 7, 2009
Review On 1st Year
At 1st very excited when I get into USM and the course that I wanted. But something happened and made me suffer a lot! Haiz.. Shouldn't said it again cos it already happened long time but today I met her so can't forget how she 'treat' me.. My mum and sis before that already advised me not to close wit her. Just I not really listened to them. Quite regret lo now.. Donno why she treat me like that until we din even talk with each other for a period of time. But I never regret about what I told her( though I know it hurt her also). Even until now, we still cant be honest with each other and even act infront of people. I know she has changed but I can feel that she still very fake with her action.. Really cant forget what she did to me..
2nd Sem:
Quite happy with this sem becoz mix wit the 3 '88' frens. Haha. And eventually became a president of a 'number' club.. (also donno why i being chosen) Hang out with them ah, yum cha ah, chit-chat ah.. Haha. Very miss u all lol.. And not forgotten my beautiful roommate, always chat nonstop with her. Hope she still become my roommate la. hehe.
May 6, 2009
Is exactly 1 week i came back from USM. My final exam..Haiz.. I don't think I will get the result that I expected. About the presentation of the final year project, the teacher, DR.A was so unfair! He keep asking the DR.B students so many Q! N when it was his students turn, he help his students to answer the Q! He was not suppose to do like that.. WT.. No wonder DR.B very upsad about this and heard that no more students follow him.. So pity him.. ( I shouldn't say this out cos i already promised my sis)
For these 1 week holidays, i just eat ah, sleep ah, watch my tvb drama ah n yum cha wit my fren.. Quite boring also. Wat to do. I very lazy to work le..haha..
Btw, me n my sis already bought dome for my lovely mum as the mother's day present. Hope she really like it and keep healthy and pretty forever.. I Love U Mum!
P/S: Sorry if there are any grammar mistakes...